Oct 182012

English NEMO-Online No 2 : Contribution theme. Research groups CERMAA, ICONEA and PLM have the pleasure of calling for papers for the second issue of NEMO on the theme of ‘Modality in all its forms’. All papers welcome including Occidental forms of modality and should respect editorial terms and conditions. Papers to be sent to Richard Dumbrill (rdumbrill[[[]]]nemo-online.org) and Amine Beyhom (abeyhom[[[]]]nemo-online.org). Français Thème de NEMO-Online N° 2 Les centres et groupes de recherches CERMAA, ICONEA et PLM ont le plaisir d’annoncer que le deuxième numéro de NEMO sera consacré à “La modalité dans tous ses états” et acceptera les [more…]

Jan 122012

Music Archaeology by Ricardo Eichmann A selection of the writings of Ricardo Eichmann, comprising his references to his books and articles on Music Archaeology, has been published to day.

Jan 122012

A few works by Jean During / Quelques écrits par Jean During This bibliography comprises a reasoned choice of references from Jean During’s papers and books (Part I), as well as (Part II) collaborative articles, reviews about or from the author, thesis directed by him, etc. The content will be updated whenever new items are published.  

Jul 152011

Editing Guidelines Contributors are informed that they are responsible for the content of their papers. Contributions are welcome in English, German, French and Arabic. Documents will be sent by email to Amine Beyhom, as *.doc or *.rtf compatible as well as in *.pdf.  Footnotes will be numbered continuously. Illustration can be BW and colour at 300 dpi or more and must be in *.jpg or *. tif, numbered (“see Fig. X, Pl. Y”), and copyright cleared or authorized.  Papers may not exceed 30 pages with an average of 1800 characters per page including inter spaces ; exceptions for the volume of [more…]

Jul 152011

Theme: ‘Questioning Modality’ – “La modalité en question”   The theme for the forthcoming issue of NEMO-Online (VOL. 1) is ”Questioning Modality’ or, “La modalité en question“. Contributions welcome in English, German, French and Arabic. Please email by end of November 2011 to Richard Dumbrill (rdumbrill[[[]]]nemo-online.org) and Amine Beyhom (abeyhom[[[]]]nemo-online.org). Click here for guidelines Please read the discussion below, in English or in French, as well as  recent postings (French), referencing guidelines. Please download the transliteration guidelines for the Arabic language prior to sending your paper. Discussion (English) : Winnington-Ingram’s definition (Mode in Ancient Greek Music, Cambridge University Press 1936) is a classic: [more…]

Jul 022011

Launching of NEMO Online (Near-Eastern Musicology Online) The Research Groups ICONEA and CERMAA are delighted to announce the launch of NEMO Online (Near-Eastern Musicology Online), a new periodical dedicated to Near and Middle Eastern musicology. NEMO is dedicated to researches into ancient and present Near and Middle-Eastern music. It also addresses all other musical expressions which may contribute to the enlightenment of its initial aims. Disciplines for this field of research extend from archaeomusicology to analytical musicology and include historical, systematic, cognitive and anthropological musicology, as well as ethnomusicology. NEMO will devote particular attention to modality as a possible important link [more…]

Jul 022011

Création de NEMO-Online (Near-Eastern Musicology Online) Les centres de recherches ICONEA et CERMAA ont le plaisir d’annoncer la fondation d’une nouvelle revue consacrée aux musiques du Proche-Orient, Near-Eastern Musicology Online (NEMO Online).   Présentation de NEMO (Near-Eastern Musicology Online) : NEMO est dédiée aux recherches sur les musiques anciennes et actuelles du Proche et du Moyen-Orient, ainsi qu’aux autres musiques qui peuvent enrichir ces recherches. Les moyens d’étude de ce champ interdisciplinaire s’étendent de l’archéomusicologie à la musicologie analytique, y compris des approches historiques, systématiques, cognitives, ethnomusicologiques ou anthropologiques. NEMO consacrera une attention particulière à la modalité, comme lien possible [more…]