Nov 242016

(click on the title of each article for the corresponding pdf version / cliquer sur les titres des articles pour télécharger les pdf). NEMO-Online Vol. 3 : (all pdf articles in this volume are bookmarked for titles, subtitles and figures / tous les articles au format pdf de ce volume contiennent des marque-pages correspondant aux titres, sous-titres et figures) Editor’s letter / Éditorial / كلمة الناشرين : Instrumental facture & Evolution of musicology and ethnomusicology / Facture instrumentale & Évolution de la musicologie et de l’ethnomusicologie /  صناعة الآلات وتطوّر علم الموسيقولوجيا والإتنوموسيقولوجيا NEMO-Online No. 4 contents / contenu / ملخّص : [more…]

Nov 292014

Français Le Volume 1 (N° 1) de NEMO-Online est désormais accessible librement en téléchargement à cette adresse:°1-130929-V.-1.01-LR.pdf.   English NEMO-Online, Volume 1 is now available for free dowloading at:°1-130929-V.-1.01-LR.pdf.

Jun 022014

English Click on this link to go to the payment page for NEMO No. 1 (Vol. 1) at the price of £20.00 for the whole volume (in pdf format). Table of contents: Erik MARCHAND : “Une musique modale de tradition populaire en Occident – Tribune”, NEMO-Online 1 1 |2012-11| p. 5–10. François PICARD : “Back to modality. Musical Modes Revisited”, NEMO-Online 1 1 |2012-11| p. 11–18. Markos SKOULIOS : “Modern theory and notation of Byzantine chanting tradition – A Near Eastern musicological perspective”, NEMO-Online 1 1 |2012-11| p. 19–38. Jacob OLLEY : “Modal diversity in early Ottoman music – The case of makâm Sabâ”, NEMO-Online 1 1 [more…]

Oct 182012
NEMO-Online Vol. 1 No. 1 is available / Sortie de NEMO-Online Vol. 1 N° 1

English NEMO-Online Vol. 1 No. 1 is available The editorial Board of NEMO-Online is delighted to inform you that the first issue,  Vol. 1 No. 1 (November 2012) is now available. It includes contributions of François Picard (France), Erik Marchand (France), Jacob Olley (Great Britain), Rosy Azar Beyhom (Lebanon), Markos Skoulios (Greece), Richard Dumbrill (Great Britain) et Amine Beyhom (Lebanon ; France). The editorial and the summary page are available online. The hard copy (Price = 40 €) will be distributed by Geuthner, France and downloadable from December 2013. Français Sortie de NEMO-Online Vol. 1 No. 1 La rédaction de [more…]

Jul 022011

Launching of NEMO Online (Near-Eastern Musicology Online) The Research Groups ICONEA and CERMAA are delighted to announce the launch of NEMO Online (Near-Eastern Musicology Online), a new periodical dedicated to Near and Middle Eastern musicology. NEMO is dedicated to researches into ancient and present Near and Middle-Eastern music. It also addresses all other musical expressions which may contribute to the enlightenment of its initial aims. Disciplines for this field of research extend from archaeomusicology to analytical musicology and include historical, systematic, cognitive and anthropological musicology, as well as ethnomusicology. NEMO will devote particular attention to modality as a possible important link [more…]

Jul 022011

Création de NEMO-Online (Near-Eastern Musicology Online) Les centres de recherches ICONEA et CERMAA ont le plaisir d’annoncer la fondation d’une nouvelle revue consacrée aux musiques du Proche-Orient, Near-Eastern Musicology Online (NEMO Online).   Présentation de NEMO (Near-Eastern Musicology Online) : NEMO est dédiée aux recherches sur les musiques anciennes et actuelles du Proche et du Moyen-Orient, ainsi qu’aux autres musiques qui peuvent enrichir ces recherches. Les moyens d’étude de ce champ interdisciplinaire s’étendent de l’archéomusicologie à la musicologie analytique, y compris des approches historiques, systématiques, cognitives, ethnomusicologiques ou anthropologiques. NEMO consacrera une attention particulière à la modalité, comme lien possible [more…]