Dec 182011

(French) Nous souhaitons la bienvenue à Ricardo Eichmann (, premier directeur de l’Orient-Abteilung du Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (, qui rentre au Comité de Rédaction de NEMO-Online. L’Orient-Abteilung abrite, avec le Department for Ethnomusicology at the Ethnological Museum Berlin (Ethnological Museum Berlin, SMB SPK, Abteilung Musikethnologie, Medien-Technik und Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv), l’International Study Group on Music Archaelogy ( (English) We welcome Ricardo Eichmann to the Editorial Board of NEMO. Ricardo Eichmann conducts the Orient-Abteilung of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut ( The Orient-Abteilung along with the Department for Ethnomusicology at the Ethnological Museum Berlin (Ethnological Museum Berlin, SMB SPK, Abteilung Musikethnologie, Medien-Technik und [more…]

Sep 302011

(French) Nous tenons à féliciter Philippe Brunet, membre du comité de rédaction de NEMO-Online, pour sa médaille d’argent (Prix Jules Janin) décernée par l’Académie française pour l’année 2011, pour sa traduction de l’Iliade. Lien vers la page des actualités de l’Académie : (English) Philippe Brunet of the Editorial Board of NEMO-Online has been awarded the silver medal for the Jules Janin Prize of the Académie française for the year 2011 for his translation of Homer’s Iliad (see: Nemo-Online wishes to congratulate him for this achievement.

Sep 302011

(English) A new bibliography  for “Microtonal” Music and “Microtones” has been added today as a complement to the “Temperament and Tuning”  Bibliography previously published on NEMO-Online. Western musicology classifies intervals smaller than half of a tone as microtones. Other cultures differ. This is a comprehensive bibliography of Western works on Western music. Some references to Japanese music, due to its close relation to contemporary Western Music are included. Please refer to Huygens-Fokker’s Tuning and Temperament extensive bibliography.   (French) Une nouvelle bibliographie sur les “microtons” et la musique “microtonale”, complémentaire de celle sur le tempérament et l’accordage publiée il y [more…]

Sep 202011

NEMO-Online has published this new bibliography of Musical Scales, Acoustics, Temperament and Tuning. It is intended as a  complement to other specialized biographies also published by NEMO-Online, and is not exhaustive. It mainly includes references to ethnomusicological debates on the problematics  of the scale, instrumental tuning and  perception of  intervals. Music perception is temporarily restricted  to topics directly relevant to scale or temperament.

Sep 082011

(French) Dans le cadre de la bibliographie du maqām, une nouvelle bibliographie pour la Turquie a été ajoutée, sous l’onglet “Bibliography > Modality > Maqam > Turquie / Turkey”.   (English) A new bibliography on Modality has been added under the following:  “Bibliography > Modality > Maqam > Turquie / Turkey”, in respect of the Turkish repertoire and music.    

Sep 012011

Musiques traditionnelles en Occident / Western Folk Music bibliography (within  Modality Bibliography) has been updated and emended.

Sep 012011

ZOTERO installation and user guide for NEMO-Online style sheet (bibliographic referencing) (CSL). Firefox must be installed on your computer : it is downloadable from, or  at (UK-US versions, and more recent at ZOTERA can be downloaded from  ( – latest version: ;  standalone alpha version from ( acceptable for NEMO. If you have both versions, you can use them alternatively or separately. Install ZOTERO (for use with Firefox) or zotero standalone (for use as a standalone program): Tutorial from Using ZOTERO with the NEMO-Online CSL (based on the “Chicago author_date” style), download the NEMO-Online CSL and follow the [more…]

Sep 012011

The Modality Bibliography has been enriched with references on Jazz Modality – We are working on extending these references in view of a further discussion about “lazy” and “studious” modal jazz, within the frame of a larger discussion on modality, which shall soon be published on NEMO’s site…  

Aug 302011

The bibliography for Iran and Persia is proposed as from to day on a separate page, under “Bibliography > Modality > Maqām > Iran and Persia”.

Aug 282011

An addendum  to the Bibliography for Ancient Greece and Rome is available on the “Antiquity” page (“Bibliography > Modality > Antiquity“), and comprises over 180 entries for modern commentaries.   This completes the previous bibliography (on the same page) for the sources of the music of the Antiquity.