Aug 182011

A new Bibliography for Byzantine Chant, including English language references, has been added as a separate page under Bibliography (“Bibliography > Modality”).

Aug 182011

The Maqām bibliography has been updated and enriched: it is now published separately as a separate page under the “Modality” bibliography menu (“Bibliography > Modality”). Here is the direct link to the updated bibliography.  

Aug 072011

NEMO-Online : Transliteration of Arabic language into Latin languages C o n s o n a n t s Isolated Initial Medial Final Latin ا ا Ā – ā ء ٔ ٕ ʾ ب بـ ـبـ ـب b ت تـ ـتـ ـت t ث ثـ ـثـ ـث th ج جـ ـجـ ـج j ح حـ ـحـ ـح Ḥ – ḥ خ خـ ـخـ ـخ Kh د ـد d ذ ـذ dh ر ـر r ز ـز z س سـ ـسـ ـس s ش شـ ـشـ ـش sh ص صـ ـصـ ـص Ṣ – ṣ ض ضـ ـضـ ـض Ḍ – [more…]