Jun 092013

(English) We are very pleased to announce that Cem Behar, Professor at the İstanbul Sehir Üniversitesi, has joined the Academic Board of NEMO-Online. Cem Behar has published many books and articles about Ottoman music of which he is a recognised scholar. His competence will be an asset to the scientific Board of NEMO-Online. We warmly welcome him among us. (French) Nous avons le très grand plaisir d’annoncer que Cem Behar, Professeur à la İstanbul Sehir Üniversitesi, a rejoint le Comité de rédaction de NEMO-Online. Cem Behar a publié de nombreux livres et articles traitant de la musique ottomane et en [more…]

Feb 062013
Call for papers for/ Appel à contributions pour/ NEMO-Online No. 2

English NEMO-Online No. 2 : Call for papers Research groups  CERMAA, ICONEA and PLM are seeking papers for the second issue of NEMO on the theme of ‘Modality in all its forms’. All papers welcome including Occidental forms of modality and subject to editorial rules. Papers to be sent before the end of July 2013 to Richard Dumbrill (rdumbrill[[[]]]nemo-online.org) and Amine Beyhom (abeyhom[[[]]]nemo-online.org). Français Appel à contributions pour NEMO-Online N° 2 Les centres et groupes de recherches CERMAA, ICONEA et PLM ont le plaisir de confirmer que le deuxième numéro de NEMO sera consacré à “La modalité dans tous ses [more…]