Jan 192012

(English) We are delighted to inform that the Paris-Sorbonne University hosted research group PLM (Patrimoines et languages Musicaux) is now an associate of ICONEA (University of London) and CERMAA (Beirut)  for the editing and the publication of NEMO-Online. We favour our links, internationally, with other research centres for the best enlightenement of ethno- and archaeo-musicology, in excellence.   (French) Nous avons le grand plaisir d’annoncer que le groupe de recherche Patrimoine et Langages Musicaux (PLM) de ‎l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne s’est associé aux groupes ICONEA et CERMAA pour l’édition et la ‎publication de NEMO-Online. Nous sommes en faveur d’un élargissement des [more…]

Dec 182011

(French) Nous souhaitons la bienvenue à Ricardo Eichmann (http://www.dainst.org/en/profile/ricardo-eichmann?ft=all), premier directeur de l’Orient-Abteilung du Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (http://www.dainst.org/en/department/orient?ft=all), qui rentre au Comité de Rédaction de NEMO-Online. L’Orient-Abteilung abrite, avec le Department for Ethnomusicology at the Ethnological Museum Berlin (Ethnological Museum Berlin, SMB SPK, Abteilung Musikethnologie, Medien-Technik und Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv), l’International Study Group on Music Archaelogy (http://www.musicarchaeology.org/). (English) We welcome Ricardo Eichmann to the Editorial Board of NEMO. Ricardo Eichmann conducts the Orient-Abteilung of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (http://www.dainst.org/en/department/orient?ft=all). The Orient-Abteilung along with the Department for Ethnomusicology at the Ethnological Museum Berlin (Ethnological Museum Berlin, SMB SPK, Abteilung Musikethnologie, Medien-Technik und [more…]

Sep 302011

(English) A new bibliography  for “Microtonal” Music and “Microtones” has been added today as a complement to the “Temperament and Tuning”  Bibliography previously published on NEMO-Online. Western musicology classifies intervals smaller than half of a tone as microtones. Other cultures differ. This is a comprehensive bibliography of Western works on Western music. Some references to Japanese music, due to its close relation to contemporary Western Music are included. Please refer to Huygens-Fokker’s Tuning and Temperament extensive bibliography.   (French) Une nouvelle bibliographie sur les “microtons” et la musique “microtonale”, complémentaire de celle sur le tempérament et l’accordage publiée il y [more…]