Dec 042016

(click on the title of each article for the corresponding pdf version / cliquer sur les titres des articles pour télécharger les pdf). The redaction of NEMO-Online is pleased to announce the reissue of NEMO-Online Vol. 1 No. 1 and NEMO-Online Vol. 2 No. 2&3 as individual articles / La rédaction de NEMO-Online a le plaisir d’annoncer une nouvelle édition de NEMO-Online Vol. 1 No. 1 et NEMO-Online Vol. 2 No. 2&3 en articles individuels. Reminder / Rappel: NEMO-Online Vol. 3 No. 4&5 / is available / est disponible (November 2016). NEMO-Online Vol. 1 No. 1 Reissue 2016/12 : (all pdf [more…]

Nov 242016

(click on the title of each article for the corresponding pdf version / cliquer sur les titres des articles pour télécharger les pdf). NEMO-Online Vol. 3 : (all pdf articles in this volume are bookmarked for titles, subtitles and figures / tous les articles au format pdf de ce volume contiennent des marque-pages correspondant aux titres, sous-titres et figures) Editor’s letter / Éditorial / كلمة الناشرين : Instrumental facture & Evolution of musicology and ethnomusicology / Facture instrumentale & Évolution de la musicologie et de l’ethnomusicologie /  صناعة الآلات وتطوّر علم الموسيقولوجيا والإتنوموسيقولوجيا NEMO-Online No. 4 contents / contenu / ملخّص : [more…]

Oct 182012
NEMO-Online Vol. 1 No. 1 is available / Sortie de NEMO-Online Vol. 1 N° 1

English NEMO-Online Vol. 1 No. 1 is available The editorial Board of NEMO-Online is delighted to inform you that the first issue,  Vol. 1 No. 1 (November 2012) is now available. It includes contributions of François Picard (France), Erik Marchand (France), Jacob Olley (Great Britain), Rosy Azar Beyhom (Lebanon), Markos Skoulios (Greece), Richard Dumbrill (Great Britain) et Amine Beyhom (Lebanon ; France). The editorial and the summary page are available online. The hard copy (Price = 40 €) will be distributed by Geuthner, France and downloadable from December 2013. Français Sortie de NEMO-Online Vol. 1 No. 1 La rédaction de [more…]

Aug 282011

An addendum  to the Bibliography for Ancient Greece and Rome is available on the “Antiquity” page (“Bibliography > Modality > Antiquity“), and comprises over 180 entries for modern commentaries.   This completes the previous bibliography (on the same page) for the sources of the music of the Antiquity.

Aug 272011

A new bibliography, Sources of Greek and Roman Modality, has been added today: the bibliography for the modern commentaries will soon be available on our site.