Jan 122012

A few works by Jean During / Quelques écrits par Jean During This bibliography comprises a reasoned choice of references from Jean During’s papers and books (Part I), as well as (Part II) collaborative articles, reviews about or from the author, thesis directed by him, etc. The content will be updated whenever new items are published.  

Jan 112012

(French) Frédéric Billiet et François Picard, professeurs de musicologie à l’Université de Paris Sorbonne, rejoignent le Comité de rédaction de Nemo-Online : leurs compétences viennent compléter celle des autres membres en apportant des expertises sur, notamment, la musique ancienne et en ethnomusicologie analytique. Frédéric Billiet est le directeur de l’UFR (Unité de Formation et de Recherches) de Musique et Musicologie de l’Université Paris Sorbonne, et François Picard est le directeur de l’équipe de recherche Patrimoines et Langages Musicaux (PLM) au sein de l’université. Nous leur souhaitons la bienvenue.   (English) We are delighted to welcome two new members in the [more…]

Dec 182011

(French) Nous souhaitons la bienvenue à Ricardo Eichmann (http://www.dainst.org/en/profile/ricardo-eichmann?ft=all), premier directeur de l’Orient-Abteilung du Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (http://www.dainst.org/en/department/orient?ft=all), qui rentre au Comité de Rédaction de NEMO-Online. L’Orient-Abteilung abrite, avec le Department for Ethnomusicology at the Ethnological Museum Berlin (Ethnological Museum Berlin, SMB SPK, Abteilung Musikethnologie, Medien-Technik und Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv), l’International Study Group on Music Archaelogy (http://www.musicarchaeology.org/). (English) We welcome Ricardo Eichmann to the Editorial Board of NEMO. Ricardo Eichmann conducts the Orient-Abteilung of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (http://www.dainst.org/en/department/orient?ft=all). The Orient-Abteilung along with the Department for Ethnomusicology at the Ethnological Museum Berlin (Ethnological Museum Berlin, SMB SPK, Abteilung Musikethnologie, Medien-Technik und [more…]

Sep 302011

(English) A new bibliography  for “Microtonal” Music and “Microtones” has been added today as a complement to the “Temperament and Tuning”  Bibliography previously published on NEMO-Online. Western musicology classifies intervals smaller than half of a tone as microtones. Other cultures differ. This is a comprehensive bibliography of Western works on Western music. Some references to Japanese music, due to its close relation to contemporary Western Music are included. Please refer to Huygens-Fokker’s Tuning and Temperament extensive bibliography.   (French) Une nouvelle bibliographie sur les “microtons” et la musique “microtonale”, complémentaire de celle sur le tempérament et l’accordage publiée il y [more…]

Sep 082011

(French) Dans le cadre de la bibliographie du maqām, une nouvelle bibliographie pour la Turquie a été ajoutée, sous l’onglet “Bibliography > Modality > Maqam > Turquie / Turkey”.   (English) A new bibliography on Modality has been added under the following:  “Bibliography > Modality > Maqam > Turquie / Turkey”, in respect of the Turkish repertoire and music.    

Sep 012011

Musiques traditionnelles en Occident / Western Folk Music bibliography (within  Modality Bibliography) has been updated and emended.

Jul 152011

Theme: ‘Questioning Modality’ – “La modalité en question”   The theme for the forthcoming issue of NEMO-Online (VOL. 1) is ”Questioning Modality’ or, “La modalité en question“. Contributions welcome in English, German, French and Arabic. Please email by end of November 2011 to Richard Dumbrill (rdumbrill[[[]]]nemo-online.org) and Amine Beyhom (abeyhom[[[]]]nemo-online.org). Click here for guidelines Please read the discussion below, in English or in French, as well as  recent postings (French), referencing guidelines. Please download the transliteration guidelines for the Arabic language prior to sending your paper. Discussion (English) : Winnington-Ingram’s definition (Mode in Ancient Greek Music, Cambridge University Press 1936) is a classic: [more…]