Jan 032014

English NEMO-Online No. 3 : Call for papers Research groups  CERMAA, ICONEA and PLM are seeking papers for the third issue of NEMO. The theme will be about ‘Myths and truths in Music from the Antiquity to the Present.’ (Mesopotamia, Asia, Egypt, Africa, Greece, Rome, Byzantium, the Occident and beyond.) Myths and legends always have had their purpose in the building-up of history and of its truisms such as with magical powers of the lyre and others. The Orient is particularly rich with such events even reaching the domain of theory, and often leading to astonishing blunders. Principal themes: Myths [more…]

Feb 062013
Call for papers for/ Appel à contributions pour/ NEMO-Online No. 2

English NEMO-Online No. 2 : Call for papers Research groups  CERMAA, ICONEA and PLM are seeking papers for the second issue of NEMO on the theme of ‘Modality in all its forms’. All papers welcome including Occidental forms of modality and subject to editorial rules. Papers to be sent before the end of July 2013 to Richard Dumbrill (rdumbrill[[[]]]nemo-online.org) and Amine Beyhom (abeyhom[[[]]]nemo-online.org). Français Appel à contributions pour NEMO-Online N° 2 Les centres et groupes de recherches CERMAA, ICONEA et PLM ont le plaisir de confirmer que le deuxième numéro de NEMO sera consacré à “La modalité dans tous ses [more…]

Oct 182012

English NEMO-Online No 2 : Contribution theme. Research groups CERMAA, ICONEA and PLM have the pleasure of calling for papers for the second issue of NEMO on the theme of ‘Modality in all its forms’. All papers welcome including Occidental forms of modality and should respect editorial terms and conditions. Papers to be sent to Richard Dumbrill (rdumbrill[[[]]]nemo-online.org) and Amine Beyhom (abeyhom[[[]]]nemo-online.org). Français Thème de NEMO-Online N° 2 Les centres et groupes de recherches CERMAA, ICONEA et PLM ont le plaisir d’annoncer que le deuxième numéro de NEMO sera consacré à “La modalité dans tous ses états” et acceptera les [more…]

Jan 192012

(English) We are delighted to inform that the Paris-Sorbonne University hosted research group PLM (Patrimoines et languages Musicaux) is now an associate of ICONEA (University of London) and CERMAA (Beirut)  for the editing and the publication of NEMO-Online. We favour our links, internationally, with other research centres for the best enlightenement of ethno- and archaeo-musicology, in excellence.   (French) Nous avons le grand plaisir d’annoncer que le groupe de recherche Patrimoine et Langages Musicaux (PLM) de ‎l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne s’est associé aux groupes ICONEA et CERMAA pour l’édition et la ‎publication de NEMO-Online. Nous sommes en faveur d’un élargissement des [more…]

Sep 302011

(English) A new bibliography  for “Microtonal” Music and “Microtones” has been added today as a complement to the “Temperament and Tuning”  Bibliography previously published on NEMO-Online. Western musicology classifies intervals smaller than half of a tone as microtones. Other cultures differ. This is a comprehensive bibliography of Western works on Western music. Some references to Japanese music, due to its close relation to contemporary Western Music are included. Please refer to Huygens-Fokker’s Tuning and Temperament extensive bibliography.   (French) Une nouvelle bibliographie sur les “microtons” et la musique “microtonale”, complémentaire de celle sur le tempérament et l’accordage publiée il y [more…]

Sep 202011

NEMO-Online has published this new bibliography of Musical Scales, Acoustics, Temperament and Tuning. It is intended as a  complement to other specialized biographies also published by NEMO-Online, and is not exhaustive. It mainly includes references to ethnomusicological debates on the problematics  of the scale, instrumental tuning and  perception of  intervals. Music perception is temporarily restricted  to topics directly relevant to scale or temperament.

Sep 082011

(French) Dans le cadre de la bibliographie du maqām, une nouvelle bibliographie pour la Turquie a été ajoutée, sous l’onglet “Bibliography > Modality > Maqam > Turquie / Turkey”.   (English) A new bibliography on Modality has been added under the following:  “Bibliography > Modality > Maqam > Turquie / Turkey”, in respect of the Turkish repertoire and music.    

Sep 012011

The Modality Bibliography has been enriched with references on Jazz Modality – We are working on extending these references in view of a further discussion about “lazy” and “studious” modal jazz, within the frame of a larger discussion on modality, which shall soon be published on NEMO’s site…  

Jul 212011

NEMO-Online a l’immense plaisir d’annoncer l’entrée de deux nouveaux membres dans le comité de rédaction de NEMO-Online, qui sont Siam Bhayro, de l’Université d’Exeter et membre d’ICONEA, et Laurent Cugny de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne et membre de l’OMF. Leurs compétences viennent heureusement élargir l’horizon de la revue, en incluant les langues sémitiques et le jazz entre autres apports nouveaux et complémentaires. La liste des membres a été actualisée sur le site de NEMO : la Bibliographie de la modalité devrait également et bientôt, avec la participation active de Laurent Cugny, être élargie à la modalité “jazz”.

Jul 152011

Theme: ‘Questioning Modality’ – “La modalité en question”   The theme for the forthcoming issue of NEMO-Online (VOL. 1) is ”Questioning Modality’ or, “La modalité en question“. Contributions welcome in English, German, French and Arabic. Please email by end of November 2011 to Richard Dumbrill (rdumbrill[[[]]]nemo-online.org) and Amine Beyhom (abeyhom[[[]]]nemo-online.org). Click here for guidelines Please read the discussion below, in English or in French, as well as  recent postings (French), referencing guidelines. Please download the transliteration guidelines for the Arabic language prior to sending your paper. Discussion (English) : Winnington-Ingram’s definition (Mode in Ancient Greek Music, Cambridge University Press 1936) is a classic: [more…]